Meeting Changes
Riverview Group will be changing location Fridays, starting Feb 14 at 6:00 PM, and Sundays, starting Feb 16 at 6:30 PM, to the Carriage House, 522 Park Street.
Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays Riverview Group will still be at UU Church on Rugby at 6 PM. There will be NO Riverview Group meeting Saturdays moving forward for the time being.
Meetings Happening Soon
Regions Served
District (No. 9) of The Virginia Area Committee of A.A (V.A.C.)
- Charlottesville
- Albemarle County
- Greene County
- Madison County
- Orange County
- Louisa County
- Fluvanna County
- Nelson County
- Buckingham County
Websites and contact information for other areas of Virginia can be found on the Virginia Alchoholics Anonymous website