
About This Website

This website is maintained by Heart of Virginia Intergroup, and is provided as a clearinghouse of information related to all AA groups and activities in the district. Websites and contact information for other districts, intergroups and/or central offices can be found on aavirginia.org

About Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)

For general information about Alcoholics Anonymous, please refer to the official Alcoholics Anonymous website run by the General Services Office (GSO). To learn more about what AA is, how it works, who its members are, and how to become a member, refer to What is AA on the GSO website?

If you are new to AA, we encourage you to check out our page for newcomers.

About AA Heart of Virginia

Heart of Virginia is the name given by its members to District 9 of the Virginia Area of Alcoholics Anonymous. Coordination and cooperation among district home groups and between the district and the Virginia Area (region) and Alcoholics Anonymous General Service Office (GSO; U.S./Canada and global) is facilitated by Heart of Virginia Intergroup (often just called “Intergroup”) and its sister organization, the Heart of Virginia District Service Committee (often just called “District”).

Intergroup and District help to achieve efficiency and economy for its home groups by pooling resources and efforts to provide services that make AA’s hand more readily available to help the suffering alcoholic. Elected representatives of district home groups, the Intergroup Representative and General Service Representative, participate in governance of these organizations at regular meetings, while countless volunteers help spread the message and help other alcoholics through their work on Intergroup and District service committees.

Committees run by District include:

  • Archives
  • Cooperation with Intergroup
  • Cooperation with the Professional Community/Public Information (CPC/PI)
  • Corrections
  • Finance & Budget
  • Grapevine
  • Hospitals and Institutions

Information about how to get involved in a committee can be found on our Service Opportunities page.

Services provided by Intergroup include:

  • Coordinate issues of intergroup concern
  • Plan and financially support district intergroup activities (e.g. Christmas and other marathons, Founder’s Day celebration, and other fellowship events)
  • Run the central office (store literature and chips for sale, answer calls, maintain records, store supplies for events, meeting space for AA business)
  • Answer the central phone line: (434) 293-6565
  • Answer the central email: aacharlottesville@gmail.com
  • Maintain the aaheartofva.org website
  • Maintain a current list of district meetings
  • Supply literature and chips to district groups

For more details, see What Services are provided to Home Groups and AA Members By the AA Heart of Virginia Intergroup?.